Ikiwiki to Hugo Link to heading

I migrated my website from Ikiwiki to Hugo. I had been using Ikiwiki since 2009 but a few things annoyed me about it:

  • It’s not packaged for MacOS, which means I have to write on my hosting instead of my laptop, and my slow internet access makes that a bit painful.

  • Because I’m editing remotely previewing changes is awkward and is not a good representation of what the page will look like in a modern browser.

    ikiwiki --setup ~/.ikiwiki/johntobin.ie --render "${file}" | w3m -T text/html

  • Ikiwiki’s Markdown flavour doesn’t support fenced code blocks (three backticks) or syntax highlighting, both of which I use extensively in work.

Switching from Ikiwiki to Hugo wasn’t too hard: rename all the files from .mdwn to .md, add front matter to every file, change the syntax of links. I’ve gradually improved the website and the experience of using Hugo over the past few weeks so I figured I’d offer some tips to save other people from discovering them the hard way.

Don’t follow the standard instructions for adding a theme Link to heading

The Hugo docs tell you to add a theme by directly adding the git repository for the theme as a submodule. Don’t do it this way unless you’re absolutely certain that you will never make a change to the theme; instead fork the theme, create a branch for your changes, and use that branch as the theme.

  • Go to the theme you plan to use on Github and fork it.
  • Check out your fork somewhere outside the Hugo directory.
  • Create a new branch: git branch my-changes and push to Github so that the branch is available there.
  • Now add the theme in the Hugo directory: git submodule add -b my-changes git@github.com:tobinjt/hugo-coder.git themes/hugo-coder.

This lets you make changes and keep them cleanly separated from upstream changes; if you want to push fixes upstream you can create a new branch (I imaginatively named mine changes-for-upstream) commit there, push to Github, and make a pull request (like mine). Make sure the new branch is based on master rather than my-changes so that it only includes the changes you want to push upstream!

Dealing with multiple Git branches and checkouts is painful, so I wrote update-hugo-coder to automate the process away. It’ll probably need a couple of more tweaks as I run into edge conditions but it’s working pretty well already.

Suggested config.toml changes Link to heading

I suggest adding these options to config.toml:

# Syntax highlight code blocks based on the syntax in the starting line (e.g.
# ```shell).
pygmentsCodefences = true
# You must choose a theme or the syntax highlighting does nothing.
pygmentsStyle = "solarized-dark"
# Start vim when I run `hugo new blog/foo.md` so I don't need to copy and paste
# the path that is output.
newContentEditor = "vim"

hugo vs rsync Link to heading

Hugo regenerates every output file every time you run it, and the changed timestamps cause rsync to replace all the files on the remote side rather than just transferring the new or updated files unless you pass the right arguments:

  • --checksum: force checksumming of every file rather than using timestamp and size comparison so that identical files are detected and skipped rather than being transferred. This saves some bandwidth at the cost of CPU, but more importantly if you’re using -v the output will show the files with meaningful differences rather than all files.
  • --no-times: don’t update timestamps on the remote side, which would otherwise happen because the timestamp of every file has been changed on the source side. Updating the timestamps on the remote side breaks browser caching unnecessarily so I avoid it.

A complete rsync command:

rsync -av --delete --checksum --no-times public/ hosting:/destination/

Themes typically include the version of Hugo that generated the page in the <head> section of each page. This guarantees that every Hugo upgrade will cause every file to be updated on the remote side because the contents differ, making other upgrade-related changes harder to find and breaking browser caching for no benefit. I removed this line and you might want to also.

Archetypes are useful Link to heading

Huge uses archetypes when creating new pages with hugo new foo/bar.md. The subdirectory (foo) determines the archetype used, which in this case will be your-theme/archetypes/foo.md or your-theme/archetypes/default.md if the former doesn’t exist. The theme I chose provides a post archetype and a very bare default archetype, so I wrote a blog archetype that adds a tags placeholder and determines the title of the post from the filename.

Full RSS feed Link to heading

The default RSS feed that Hugo only provides contains partial content, which I really dislike - I want to be able to read the full content in my RSS reader instead of loading the page separately. There isn’t an option to control whether partial or full content is used, though there is a long-standing request to support it and an offer to implement it. Currently the only solution is to save the default RSS template that is compiled into Hugo as your-theme/layouts/_default/rss.xml and change .Summary to .Content; here is the resulting file if you would prefer to just copy it.

Inconsistently capitalised tags cause churn Link to heading

When tags are inconsistently capitalised Hugo will use a random tag, causing unnecessary changes in output from run to run and breaking external links. I use a git pre-commit check to detect inconsistently capitalised tags and block the commit, see Git pre-commits for more information.

Automating common operations Link to heading

I wrote a Makefile to automate common tasks, e.g. starting a local server with the correct flags or regenerating content and copying it to my hosting. There are also less obvious operations that I actually use more often:

  • Running rsync with --dry-run to see which files would be transferred and thus which files have been updated or newly added.
  • Transferring the published content from my hosting to my laptop with rsync then running diff -Naur on the published and generated content to see detailed changes.